Determined to save my mother from her disastrous marriage, I sold my pride for a second chance with Hamilton Beauregard. Jack was convinced I could mend his family, but my heart refused to forgive.

Hamilton broke me. He betrayed me.
He made me fall in love with a lie.

While trying to figure out my feelings, we all had to navigate my mother’s toxic sham of a marriage and Joseph’s deteriorating façade. My stepfather was dangerous. Deadly. During a tragic moment of weakness, his evil bloomed to life, and someone died.

Hamilton is the only way I’ll survive.

The first time I saw Hamilton, he was balls deep in one of the bridesmaids at my mother’s wedding.

He was lethal. Handsome. Cruel. Twisted.

I was drawn to him like fists to glass. We had an angry sort of relationship. There was nothing kind about the broken man that stole my heart and crushed it in his fist. He was all sharp edges. One touch could ruin me. One kiss could end our happy little family.

When my mother married Joseph Beauregard, son of the governor of Connecticut, I never imagined I’d fall in love with my stepfather’s younger brother. I never imagined I’d uncover the truth about his family’s bloody legacy.

Hamilton escaped with scars to his name and a ruined reputation. And now? I wanted out, too. I guess the scandal of our relationship was the least of our family’s problems.